Rabu, 18 Mei 2011


Padangsidimpuan is one of cities in North Sumatera. It needs ten hours from Padang. I was born and grew up in Padangsidimpuan. Some people think that Padangsidimpuan is one of cities in West Sumatera. Maybe because of there is a word "Padang" in the sentence "Padangsidimpuan", but in fact it is located in North Sumatera.

Padangsidimpuan has known with name "Salak City". When you visit to Padangsidimpuan, you will find there are salak sellers. It is located at traditional market, because of it Padangsisimpuan has a good song about salak and it is so famous. The title of the song is "Salak Sibakua". Salak sibakua is the best kind of salak. So, if you come to Padangsidimpuan, do not forget to buy it. 

        I remind, there is a wonderful waterfall in Padangsidimpuan. From my home to waterfall, it needs a half hour. When you arrive there, you will see there are two bridges, and there is a long river under the bridges. Beside it, you will find a beautiful landscape.

Padangsidimpuan has a good culture and most of people are bataknese culture. I have a marga, it is Nasution. People in Padangsidimpuan are so friendly. Beside it, Padangsisimpuan has other cultures like Javanese, Mandailingnese, and Niasnese.

I think you are pity if you do not come and visit Padangsidimpuan because it is great city with many cultures. If you really want to visit it, do not forget to buy Salak Sibakua. HORAS!!!

8 komentar:

  1. "It is located at traditional market, because" = It is located at traditional market because

  2. I want to visit your hometown someday.
    Please be my guide at that time. :)

    Keep writing Indah :)

  3. Salak from Padangsidimpuan is so famous. It sweets and delicious. When my uncle come from Medan, he always bring Salak from your town. You should give us that fruit if you back to Padangsidimpuan. Keep good on writing, girl

  4. good essay..
    I want to go there ndah :)

  5. HORASS!! hehe...
    I like SALAK Medan ndah, although it is acid acid bitter.....hmmmmmm :D
    Keep writing....^^

  6. i'm from padangsidimpuan.
    i agree with ur opinion.

  7. kunjungi juga website sibakua, hanya di sibakua.com, SIBAKUA
