Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Diet by Fasting or by Exercising

Most of people in this world especially women tend to feel worried about weight. This feeling is getting higher as they have over weight. They want to have ideal body by doing anything that could make it change. There are some tips on how to lose weight. They are diet by fasting and diet by exercising. Both of them need process to make body become ideal. Diet by fasting and exercising are totally different: The time its needed to do diet by fasting or exercise, the payment and the healthier side.
            First, diet by fasting first. Some people do fasting as the way to lose weight. Diet by fasting is regarding as refraining ourselves not to eat and drink for a period of time. It needs a short time to make the ideal body. Simply that diet by fasting needs shorter time than by exercising. Making our body ideal through diet by fasting does not need money but only needs patience not to consume foods and drinks. From the healthy, diet by fasting is not good because once they stop fasting, they will definitely feel hungrier and it is more likely binge which is not good for body.
            Second, diet by exercising. Exercising means being more active. Some people choose diet by exercising such as joining fitness; going to gym, jogging, swimming, etc. Diet by exercising needs a long time to make the ideal body; it means someone who is doing this activity should have much time to do exercising. Diet by exercising usually needs money because if the women want to do fitness, they have to pay it per month. From the healthier, diet by exercising is much better than by fasting because it can make our respiration good and relax.
            In short, no matter who you are. If you have the passion to lose your weight, it will be somewhat easier to do. Whatever the activities you will later choose, it will not ever work if you do not do it regularly and purely from your heart.


            I feel so luckily in my life because I have a family who care and love me. They are always beside me in every conditions and situations. When I am sad and when I am down, they give me support not to give up and when I am happy we laugh together because my happiness is their happiness and their happiness is my happiness.
            I love my parents so much especially my mother. She is a great mother for me. She teaches me everything. For examples: how to cook, wash, and iron. Beside that, she is like my friend. I can share with her about my daily activities but, about someone special I never tell her because her principle is ambition more important than love.
            My father is my leader. I mean he is everything for me. He can make my spirit up although he can do it with teasing allusion and sometimes we often debate about anything that we think it is a problem but the end we improve it and laugh together. He is same like my mother, his principle is ambition more important than love, so I never tell him about my boyfriend.
            My brother is so friendly. He is so welcome when I talk about my boyfriend. He does not warn me to have a boyfriend but he always reminds me not to love someone very much because it will be hurting. He often gives me some jokes and it makes us to be closer like a best friend. When we were in senior high school, we went home together by motorcycle.
            The last people that I love are my little brother and my sister. They are so funny. We often laugh together. I love them so much. I feel so lucky to have a great family like them.


Padangsidimpuan is one of cities in North Sumatera. It needs ten hours from Padang. I was born and grew up in Padangsidimpuan. Some people think that Padangsidimpuan is one of cities in West Sumatera. Maybe because of there is a word "Padang" in the sentence "Padangsidimpuan", but in fact it is located in North Sumatera.

Padangsidimpuan has known with name "Salak City". When you visit to Padangsidimpuan, you will find there are salak sellers. It is located at traditional market, because of it Padangsisimpuan has a good song about salak and it is so famous. The title of the song is "Salak Sibakua". Salak sibakua is the best kind of salak. So, if you come to Padangsidimpuan, do not forget to buy it. 

        I remind, there is a wonderful waterfall in Padangsidimpuan. From my home to waterfall, it needs a half hour. When you arrive there, you will see there are two bridges, and there is a long river under the bridges. Beside it, you will find a beautiful landscape.

Padangsidimpuan has a good culture and most of people are bataknese culture. I have a marga, it is Nasution. People in Padangsidimpuan are so friendly. Beside it, Padangsisimpuan has other cultures like Javanese, Mandailingnese, and Niasnese.

I think you are pity if you do not come and visit Padangsidimpuan because it is great city with many cultures. If you really want to visit it, do not forget to buy Salak Sibakua. HORAS!!!


            I live in Padangsidimpuan. It is located in North Sumatera. In every August 17th, my city always celebrates with some performances. It is a day when people make some festivals and some events, something like Panjat Pinang, Balap Karung, etc. We can find some performances too. They are Kuda Lumping, Drum Bands, and Pawai.

            Kuda Lumping is one of performances that important when it is August 17th. Kuda Lumping is a tradition of Java. It is so unique performance. The Players of Kuda Lumping are men. Someone who drives Kuda Lumping will drink an alcohol. It will make driver of Kuda Lumping forget about his self and all of people. He becomes like an animal. He eats the grass, and mirror. It makes the audiences are so nervous. That is fantastic.

            Panjat Pinang is one of some festivals in my home town. Someone who wants to get the presents have to climb it. It is so difficult because the presents are located in the top of the tree.

            Many students will show Drum Bands. They beat the drums and it is so interesting. Many people especially for young come to watch it. The festival is made in the center of the city.

            For me, it is really a great day because it is a day when people feel so free from colonitation. All of people can enjoy this event. I think you must try to come here for watching those performances.

All About Me

            Sri Indah Rahmiati is my complete name. Everyone calls me “Indah” but when I was child, people were calling me “Sri” and I hate it. I was born and grown in Padangsidimpuan, North Sumatera. I am the second child in my family. I have two brothers and one sister. My zodiac is Capricorn because I was born on December 28th, 1992. It is 3 days before New Year.

            When I was four years old, I was a kindergarten at TK KARTINI. I was happy because I had many friends there but sometimes I felt so lonely because my parents were busy. They spent their time to work, work, and work. When I went home from my school, they were not at home. I was alone but when the night was coming, my father had time especially to teach me. He taught me how to write numbers, and alphabet. I was so happy because at my school I felt uncomfortable for studying there.
            When I was in elementary school, I had an achievement in my class. I wanted to prove to my parents that I could make them proud of me and I had to get it because it was one of the ways to make them for caring me. When I was at junior high school, I got a problem with my marks and it made my parents felt disappointed. I was frustration and no one care me. When I was at senior high school, I got it again. I was so happy.

            I like music because my principle is no life without music. My friends have a band. The name of their band is “Vand Taygon’. My friends said that my voice is so good, so they asked me to join with them. I was a vocalist in my band. I enjoyed with it because I could be free to express and I felt it was the real of my self and my heart but suddenly my parents warned me not to continue my hobby because it was disturb my study and finally I stopped it,  although I was so difficult to leave it.

            I am one of people who is so flexible, easy going, and friendly. I am difficult to angry with someone but when I think it is disturbing my life, it will be a big problem. One of my secrets is, I have a big emotion but I am a lovely person. The most important for my life are my family and my friends. I can not life without them.

David James Archuleta

David James Archuleta is my idol’s name. He was born on December 28th, 1990 in Miami Florida, but he is original from Murray, Utah, United States. Our birthdays are same. When I knew that, I was so surprised. I know all about him and being his big fan since he followed an American Idol in 2008 and he was as a runner up of it. Although he was lost by David Cook, his enemy, for me he is the winner. I always search his news in Internet, Magazine, and Television.

Before he would become a famous person, he had followed some competitions. When David James Archuleta was at ten years old, he won the Children’s Division of The Utah Talent completion for singing. One of the song that he sang in competition is “I will always love you” by Dolli Parton. When he was at twelve years old, he became the Junior Vocal Champion on Star Search 2. In 2007, when he was at sixteen years old, he became one of the youngest contestants on the seventh season of American Idol. In May 2008, he became the runner up of it. 

David James Archuleta can speak a little Spanish. He is a member of The Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Boy Scouts of America. Archuleta's mother is from Honduras, he often sing together with his mother. Archuleta’s father was a jazz musician. He always listens to his father’s collections as well as gospel, pop, and rock music. His genre is pop and his instruments are piano, keyboard, and guitar.

After he became as a runner up of American Idol, he released "Crush," the first single from his album in August 2008. It has sold over 750,000 copies in the U.S. and it was so exciting. Then on October 2010 he released the Second Album, The Other Side of Down featuring lead single "Something About Love". His song is so amazing and it can make my heart so peaceful. One of my favorite songs from him is “Crush”. That is a song can remind me what I felt after my heart broke and now I can be strong because this song asks the listeners to keep spirit although ever feel so down.

David Archuleta has a great voice. I like his vocal and I like his way to sing a song. Beside that, he has a cute face and sweet smile. The most important why I become his big fan is, he can make the listeners easy for understanding his song. Beside that, he is a singer and a good writer too. I love you David James Archuleta.

Rabu, 27 April 2011

How to Make Cappuccino Cream (Procedure Essay)

Cappuccino cream is one of drink that can make someone who drinks it become so fresh and will not feel thirsty because it is so freeze. Beside it is so nice to drink, the manner of cappuccino is so easy. A cappuccino is a combination of espresso, steamed milk, and froth. Flavor and sweeteners. May be added to sweeten the drink. So the baristas at the coffee Shop can make it look so easy, but just how is a cappuccino made, anyway? Ever wanted to find out? Here's everything you need to know about making coffeehouse style cappuccinos at home.

The Ingredients of cappuccino cream is not difficult to find them. They are one cappuccino sachet, little mises seres, ice, one chocolate milk sachet, one glass of mineral water, and a little cream. The equipments of cappuccino cream are blender, a glass, a spoon tea, and one straw.

Now, we talk about the step of cappuccino cream. The first step is open the cappuccino sachet, and then enter at to blender. After that, enter at one glass of mineral water to blender again. Next, blend it about 3 minutes. After that, enter at ice to blender and blend it about 5 minutes. Then, enter at a little cream. Finally, put a glass and enter at cappuccino cream to glass.

How to serve cappuccino cream is so easily. Enter at few chocolate milk and mises seres in the top of the cappuccino cream. Then put the straw to the glass. Now, it is time to enjoy it.

How to Look After a Baby (Procedure essay )

How to Look After a Baby

          As a woman who got married, especially for a new mother should prepare for her first child. When a woman has her first child, she is probably excited but a little bit afraid because she is feeling confused about how to look after her baby. It is normal because all of women exactly want the best things for their baby. There are some of tips on how to look after a baby.

          For the first thing how to look after a baby is taking care of mother’s needs because a mother will need to put much time and energy into caring for her baby. She must eat three times in a day and take a rest when she feels tired. It means mother’s health is so important. Before a mother takes care of her baby’s needs, she must take care of her own needs.

          The second thing is a mother must not become as a perfect housekeeper. Her baby’s health, and happiness are most important than a clean house. Therefore, doing what mother can with housework but if a mother forgets to keep her house completely clean, it is no problem because her baby is number one.

          The third thing is a mother should be fed formula. Many mothers will let their baby to eat 8 to 12 times per day during the first month but most medical recommended that mother feeds her baby whenever the baby display signs of hunger.

          The last thing is mother must never leave her baby in wherever. As a mother, should keep her baby in her sight to avoid in accident. If a mother gets a lot of things to do, she must not be afraid to ask someone to help her look after the baby because in fact most people who care about mother of baby would be happy to assist mother’s work to look after the baby.

          In conclusion, a woman especially for a new mother can successfully to look after a baby. Just make sure that the most important is taking care of mother’s needs, must not become a perfect housekeeper because baby’s health is number one, mother should be fed formula, and must never leave the baby in wherever.